Terms of use

Last update on 01/06/2019.

The website www.machiavelly.be (hereinafter: the “website”) is the property of:

Ninoofsesteenweg 430 - 1750 Lennik
Tel: +32 2 582 78 47
BE 0447.456.644

Intellectual property rights
The content of this site, including brands, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, images and the like are protected by intellectual rights and belong to EBVBA MACHIAVELLI or entitled third parties.

Limitation of liability
We make every effort to ensure that the information on our website is complete and reliable. However, we cannot be held liable for incorrect information on this website. You can always contact us for any necessary correction.

We cannot be held liable for the poor functioning of this website, nor for any resultant direct or indirect damage. We reserve the right in certain cases of force majeure to limit or block access to the website.

Placing a link to another website does not imply that we approve of its content.

When sending your personal data we will take all available measures to ensure its safety, but this is always done at your own risk.

Applicable law and competent courts
Only Belgian law applies. Any case of dispute arising from the consultation of this website falls within the exclusive competence of the Legal District of Halle-Vilvoorde.

This website is accessible to recent computers on which standard software is installed. However, we do not guarantee any compatibility and may under no circumstances be held liable for a user not being able to reach the website.

It is forbidden to force access to parts of this website that are not publicly visible. It is likewise forbidden to adapt the website or to add or remove material in any manner or form whatsoever.

Machiavelly Erotic Private Club Lennik Brussels Belgium Machiavelly Erotic Private Club Lennik Brussels Belgium Machiavelly Erotic Private Club Lennik Brussels Belgium Machiavelly Erotic Private Club Lennik Brussels Belgium Machiavelly Erotic Private Club Lennik Brussels Belgium Machiavelly Erotic Private Club Lennik Brussels Belgium